Roaches. They’re an infestation no one wants to fight, and there are a number of odd rumors surrounding this pest. One of the biggest? The roach smell.

What Is The Roach Smell?

In most cases, the scent of a roach will be completely undetectable. When the numbers reach high enough, however, a smell can certainly come from infestation. The smell of roaches actually comes from a number of sources.

  • Normal Secretions: When roaches get together, they give off a pheromone to let other roaches know they’ve found a good place to nest. They can also let off secretions as part of their standard routine. Even without contacting other roaches, it can come out day after day. What’s more is that it can taint your food, even if they haven’t touched it.
  • Death: When roaches die, yet another scent is emitted. Known as the death stench, it’s actually oleic acid that is emitted by a roach’s carcass. Get enough roach carcasses in your walls, and you’re certainly going to smell something.
  • Attracting Mates: Roaches also use scents to attract a mate. With a simple scent, females can attract swarms of male roaches to them. Unfortunately, you’ll also smell this scent as well.

What Can I Do?

If you begin to smell the scent of roaches, you have a big problems on your hands. You’re most certainly infested, and the problem will only get worse as things move forward. What you shouldn’t do is grab an off-the-shelf solution. A spray you can get at the hardware store won’t stop the roaches. It might kill the ones you see, but it won’t kill the ones hiding. Your single best bet is to contact a professional pest control company for help. They have the techniques and tools necessary to stop a full infestation (and the horrible smell that goes along with it).

Is There Any Way to Prevent Roaches?

You can certainly prevent the problem initially. Start by keeping your home as clean as possible. The less access to food and water you give them, the less likely they are to want to come in. You can also keep them out by looking around the outside of the home and sealing any holes or cracks in the outside of the home with caulk. Repair any damaged spots immediately, too, as damage to the outside of your home right away to keep roaches from invading.

To learn more about roach prevention or to deal with a roach infestation if you’re already experiencing problems, contact a professional pest control company now.