What are love bugs? Why do they have that name? How long do love bugs last? There are a lot of questions when it comes to Florida love bugs. They’re unique from most pests because they don’t cause damage or infest. Florida love bugs just overwhelm areas by swarming.

What are love bugs?

Love bugs are small, black and orange bugs that swarm during certain times of the year. They’re actually quite pretty – or they would be if they didn’t descend on towns in the hundreds of thousands.

Why are they called love bugs?

This question comes up a lot. The answer to why are they called love bugs is actually pretty straightforward. Love bugs swarm in order to mate. When they mate, they stay attached to each other, even during flight. The visual of what they’re doing is pretty obvious – hence the love bug.

What damage do love bugs cause?

Love bugs can’t bite or sting, so what’s the big deal? Well, they swarm like few other bugs can. Local swarms can number in the hundreds of thousands. They can even clog up machinery. Since they’re attracted to light colors, they’ll often swarm homes and cars. When they die, they can be incredibly difficult and disgusting to clean up. Not only this, but their acidic body chemistry can also damage many paints and coatings.

If you’re driving through a swarm of love bugs, stop and make sure that your radiator grille doesn’t get clogged. This can cause cars to quickly overheat.

Were they really created in a lab?

No. This is a myth. They simply migrated over time across the southern U.S. They were first seen in the U.S. in 1911, and officially described in 1940.

When do they swarm?

There are three swarming periods. The first takes place in late April into May. The second occurs in late August into September. Finally, December swarms are possible, but these are usually less intense.

How long do love bugs last?

Love bugs live anywhere from four to nine months. The most practical concern is how long their flights – or swarming periods – can last. This is typically around four to five weeks for every instance. They will move over time.

What if they get in my house?

There’s not a lot you can do for the exterior numbers but wait for them to pass by. If love bugs make it indoors and you can’t get them out, don’t open the door to shoo them out. You’ll only get more of the swarm inside. You can track them down and spray them or have a pest control specialist come by and help you out.