It came from South America. This may sound like the beginning of a great horror movie, but the simple truth is that it’s a reality for many Floridians. The “It” in the sentence is the crazy ant, and while there are a few variations on its common name, almost all of them involve the word “crazy.” Wondering why? It’s simple. The behavior of this ant is nothing short of unreal. Crazy ants in Florida can be a real problem, but you can find out more about how to control crazy ants here.

A Quick History Lesson

They did come from South America, and experts believe crazy ants arrived in Florida in 2002. The biggest problem with the fact that they’re an import is that they have no natural predators. More than that, though, is that they feed on small insects that birds and reptiles rely on, so they are killing off our natural species.

Why Are They Hard to Control?

What makes them so crazy? Among the other types of ants, they’re virtually impossible to control. The moment insecticide or poison is applied, they leave their homes and find a new one. Their colonies also have multiple queens, so they can reproduce quickly in the face of an extermination attempt. They even win out over other ants like fire ants because they have a built-in antidote.

Ant Prevention

So, how do you practice ant control with a nemesis that is literally crazy? Seal as much as possible when it comes to windows and doors. You’ll also want to keep any vegetation back away from the base of your house. Inside, you should keep food and spills cleaned up, as crazy ants are likely to find a way to get in and begin thinking of your house as a home.

Crazy ants in Florida can follow you from one place to the next as well. They can stowaway in cars or electrical machinery and move from one place to the next, starting a colony almost everywhere they go. Understanding risk zones can help keep them off your property.

Have a crazy ant problem at your house? Hoping to get rid of ants? Contact Slug-A-Bug today for help. We handle all types of Florida ant removal and ant prevention. We’ll be happy to help you deal with your case of the crazies.