Maybe it’s the trash cans tipped over at midnight. It could be your dog barking at something outside at 3 a.m. You’ve noticed some tracks, or maybe there are markings on the side of your house. Maybe you even caught it out of the corner of your eye one day, running away into the bushes. Rats, possums, and raccoons are all big problems in Florida.

How do you tell where they are, how often they visit your home, where they’re hiding? Slug-A-Bug performs a multi-point inspection of your entire property for wildlife removal like this. Are there droppings which could spread disease? What about the tracks? How old are they, where are they going? Has anything been gnawed on? What kinds of paths do animals like to create and use? Where will they rub or leave urine markings? Where will they nest?

When we investigate, we build a case. We trace back the habits and timelines of your pest rodents and raccoons. Each point of inspection is a clue that helps us solve the mystery. When we combine these clues together, we build a complete picture. That picture tells us the kinds of animals on your property, their habits, the paths they take, the times they take them, the places they nest. Getting a specialist trained in pest behavior on the scene is a lot quicker than you having to poke through your crawlspaces, your attic, your garage, your bushes, your neighbors’ properties. We can identify the clues and do a lot of that dirty work for you.

All of this helps us create the most effective wildlife removal plan to safely and humanely trap the animals on your property without exposing you or your family to potential diseases or parasites they carry. We make sure to avoid the animal causing any further damage to your property in the trapping process. We let you know everything that will happen, so you’re fully aware of the steps we’re taking. Gives us a call and talk to us about your nuisance pests today.