It’s the perfect time of year for an army of black ants to invade your kitchen and maybe even your bathroom. What’s your next step? What do you do when you wake up to a kitchen full of ants? Your best next step is to call us. Before it gets that far, though, there are a few things you can do to stop the ants in their tracks.

  • Sealing Foods: Ants are always in search of something amazing to eat, so sealing things up as much as possible is an absolute must. Your best bet is to put all of your foods in a sealed container or a sealed plastic bag so the ants can’t get to it. Remember that they can climb inside things like opened cereal boxes and even some sugar bowls, so a little ant proofing at the outset can go a long way toward keeping your home ant free.
  • Containing Trash: That trash can is usually going to prove an ant paradise, too, so you’ll want to not only make sure you have a container with a lid that the ants can’t access, but you’ll also want to ensure that you take the trash out on a regular basis. You may also want to rinse out the can routinely.
  • Keep Up With Pet Food: If you have indoor pets, make certain that you don’t leave the food out in your home for long periods of time. Instead, feed your pet at certain parts of the day, then empty the container until the next feeding time. Leaving pet food out is simply leaving ant food out.

If your home does get invaded, the best thing you can do is call us. We can not only get rid of the ants now, but we’ll also make the necessary suggestions to keep them out of your home in the future.