We all have a crazy aunt, and they are all different, but when it comes to the crazy ant, you’ll find far more than you bargained for. Take a look at these problem pests now.

How do the crazy ants appear? These ants are about 2.2 to 3 mm in length. They have antennae which are in 12 segments with no club. Their antennae look elongated. Their legs are very long, which is how they can be distinguished. They are dark brown in color to black in color. They are called crazy ants because their movement is frantic and erratic in nature.

How do they behave? What do they eat? They live in moist and in dry environments. Their nests can be found in soil, rotted wood, tree holes, plants, within trash, underneath rocks and inside homes and buildings. They can’t live in the extremely cold temperatures. So, during the winter, they will move their nests indoors. You can find their nests by watching and following the workers as they transport food back to the colony. Their colonies are made up of about 1,500 to 2,500 ants. They feed on dead and live insects, the honeydew that is produced by other insects, plant secretions, fruits, seeds and human foods like sweets, meats, liquids and grease. They will travel long distances from their nest in effort to find food.

What about their reproduction habits? In every crazy ant colony you will find anywhere from 8 to 40 queen ants. When a fertile queen and new workers break away from their main colony and start a new colony, this is called budding and thus new ants are born.

How do you know if you have a crazy ant infestation? You will know that you have been invaded by crazy ants when you see them taking food to their nest. This sign should be a message to you to call your Brevard County Ant & Pest Control Service, Slug-A-Bug. We can help you eliminate the crazy ant problem once and for all.