People use the phrase “harmless as a fly” every day, but if the originator of that phrase had seen the first hand repercussions of the Florida Whitefly firsthand, it certainly wouldn’t be as common as it is. Those of you who have witnessed the destructive capabilities of the whitefly understand how costly and dangerous the whitefly can be. In Florida alone, they have cost farmers hundreds of millions of dollars in crop losses. The average homeowner, however, may also experience infestations of whiteflies on their own home gardens or ornamental plants. In either case, the environmental, economic, and aesthetic impact is both significant and frustrating.

Whiteflies seek out the undersides of leaves in warm, tropical climates to lay their eggs. These eggs hatch and the larvae develop very quickly. Young whiteflies feed on the sap of leaves, causing plants to become brown, dry, and brittle. Because of the very fast life cycle, it’s important for you to take care of any infestation at the first sign of trouble.

For a homeowner or farm owner, controlling these pests can be next to impossible. Whiteflies quickly adapt to most widely available chemical pesticides. An initial pesticide application may eliminate your whitefly problem at first, especially if you have a large infestation; however, repeated applications will quickly create a whitefly population with an immunity to it.

Prevention is the most successful and widely-accepted method of controlling a whitefly infestation. Some whitefly populations can be controlled by natural predators; however, commonly used pesticides will frequently eliminate those enemies. As a result, finding the right balance of natural and chemical treatment can be challenging for the average homeowner. Pest control professionals have experience in understanding and adapting to these complex conditions.

If you’re tired of fighting whiteflies, contact us for more information. We can help you fight the infestation today. Call Us Today For a Free Evaluation 321-259-7844.