Your home. It’s your biggest investment, and you’ll probably do anything to protect it, right? Wood destroying organisms do billions of dollars in damage to homes every single year, and carpenter ants are a big part of the problem. How can you keep them out of your home? These tips can help.

  • Remain Aware of the Potential Problem: While lots of people worry about termites, not quite as many worry about a problem with carpenter ants. These creatures can be just as problematic, though. Start by looking out for the ants themselves. These are not tiny ants you might find on the pavement near your home. Instead, they’re large, usually a half inch in length. Some have wings, but most don’t. They have a smooth upper back and a thin waist. They also have antennae that have a right angle bend. In addition to looking out for the ants, you’ll also want to keep an eye out for any sawdust and debris in odd places as well as a rustling sound in the walls of your home.
  • Fix It Immediately: Rotten and damaged wood make the perfect spot for carpenter ants to invade. This can happen more easily than you think. Wood under a gutter that hasn’t been cleaned out can easily get damaged, as can wood that comes in contact with the soil.
  • Keep Firewood Away From The House: It may be easier to grab a few logs when they’re close to the house, but the reality is that stacking it close to the house means you’re inviting carpenter ants and termites alike. Before you ever bring it into the house, check it carefully for nests or tunnels.

You can keep carpenter ants away from your home, but it will take vigilance on your part. Give us a call to talk to a professional pest control specialist for help: (321) 259-7844