There’s nothing worse than seeing a roach scurry across your kitchen floor, but even in Florida where the temperature is warm and the humidity level is high almost year ‘round, you don’t have to just put up with these pests. Here are some things you can do to make sure they stay out of your home:

Keep it clean. This isn’t just a motto. It really is true. Roaches need a source of food and water just like any other pest. The cleaner you keep your home, the less likely you are to have pest control issues. Make certain you keep a tight lid on your trash, that the can is clean, and that you regularly take it out. Sweep as often as possible. Be sure to clean in those harder to reach spots, too, like under the stove, on top of the refrigerator and even behind it. Keep your food in plastic or glass containers with tight lids as well, to keep pests out.
Keep it repaired. The more repairs you do to your home, the less likely roaches are to be able to get in and out of it. Make sure every possible entry to your home is sealed, including the water and drain pipes as well as the entrance for utility cables. If you have a leak or a similar problem, you’ll want to address it immediately. It could provide a gathering place for roaches as well as a way in.
Consider your landscaping. Roaches love warm, moist places to hide, so if you have mulch right up against your foundation or you have thick vegetation right there, you might have problems. Try to keep the area next to the base of your home as clean as possible.

Worried about roaches? We can help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you deal with a roach infestation and help prevent it from coming back.