Even if you’re a nonsmoker, cigarettes can lead to trouble: the cigarette beetle is a common household pest that attacks dried goods. Its name is a result of its affinity for tobacco, but cereal, flour, dried fruit, seasonings (i.e. pepper, paprika, and sage), books, and furniture stuffing will do in a pinch. Which pest control methods will help you eradicate the cigarette beetle?

Signs of Cigarette Beetle Infestation
You may notice holes in packaging, as well as debris falling out. For instance, a bag of flour may have a hole and a leak of white powder spreading over your counter or cabinet. Another sign is the adult beetles themselves. The small, brown beetles are active flyers – and chewers.

Removing Cigarette Beetles: A Multi-pronged Approach
If you have an infestation of these hungry pests, try the following:

  • Discard any food product that shows sign of infestation. Look through your cabinets thoroughly because they will feed on a wide variety of foods.
  • Vacuum your pantry, shelves, and/or cabinets to remove all food residue. Wipe surfaces with a cleaning product, and make sure to get in the cracks and crevices.
  • Use sealable glass or plastic containers for food storage.
  • Apply an insecticide. It is safer, and more effective, to call a Brevard County pest control service to help. You need to ensure that all adult beetles are eliminated. If any are missed, they can infest all over again. Another reason to call in a professional pest control service: cigarette beetles feed on ingredients in some insecticides. By “treating” them, you could actually be feeding them!

Cigarette beetles are not an item you want in your pantry. When you notice signs of an infestation, call an indoor and outdoor pest control service to help you remove all traces of these beetles.