People choose to live in Florida or make the journey to visit the Sunshine State for a variety of reasons: the great weather, the wide variety of cultural offerings, the clubs and restaurants, and, best of all, the beach. What they don’t come for is the pests and bugs – but, unfortunately, those come with the territory. Florida is notorious for harboring undesirable creepers and crawlers. Pest control professionals have their hands full, especially with these top 5 (or bottom 5, depending on your point of view!) pests and bugs.

  1. Bedbugs. pest-controlThese unwelcome visitors have become a nationwide problem in recent years, and they are difficult to eradicate. How do they enter your home? You might take a vacation and bring bedbugs back from the hotel. You can also pick them up visiting other people’s homes or from guests to your home. They like to hide in dark areas, such as the crevices of your mattress or the minuscule cracks in your floor or wall boards. Because they can go without food for up to a year, they can hide and wait out home treatment measures. A Brevard County pest control service can help you reclaim your bed and get a good night’s sleep.
  2. Biting Flies. Florida’s hot, humid weather is a perfect breeding ground for biting flies, including no-see-ums, mosquitoes, black flies, and stable flies. To limit swarms of these pesky bugs, eliminate standing water from your yard, clean up lawn clippings, cut down tall brush and scrub, and ask your outdoor pest control specialist if a barrier treatment might be helpful for your situation.
  3. Fleas.  Fleas inflict itchy bites onto humans and animals and can transmit serious illnesses, such as Lyme Disease. The “Cat Flea” is the most prevalent variety, and, despite its name, it attacks both cats and dogs. Females can lay 24 hours per day, and the young hatch in just 12 to 48 hours. Treating your pets regularly will help you win the battle against fleas.
  4. Ticks. Like fleas, ticks can affect both pets and humans and transmit disease. Being able to recognize and remove them quickly and safely is critical. You can minimize the chance of being bit by applying repellants and covering exposed skin, clearing excess brush or tall grass, and checking for ticks after being outdoors. A green pest control service can also provide you with information on planting tick-free zones.

With these and other pests, it’s best to take preventative action when you can and immediate corrective action when you can’t.  In some cases, home remedies work wonders; for the more persistent pests, calling in the professionals quickly can help you keep a small problem from becoming an infestation.