The warmth of summer means many things to most people. From delicious cookouts to summer evenings spent on the patio to quick dip in the pool, there’s simply no other season like summer. Unfortunately, humans are not alone in that sentiment. Paper wasps have it too, and if you have an infestation on your hands, contacting an outdoor pest control service right now is a good idea.

Understanding Paper Wasps

Less than an inch long in most cases, paper wasps have also been called umbrella wasps. Their name comes from the fact that they use the fibers from dead wood and the various stems of plants to build their nests. Once mixed with saliva, the fibers create a gray-brown paper material that is resistant to water.

Cute Little Babies?

New colonies establish themselves every spring. During the winter, female wasps go out and find a new place to establish a nest. Eggs are then laid in each cell of the nest, and once the babies are hatched, they’re fed crushed insects. When they’re fully grown, they seal the cells of the nest, then pupate. Development takes just three weeks from egg laying to maturation. Adults will later feed on nectar and other sugary solutions.

Preventing Stings

Paper wasps can sting a person several different times. It’s best to avoid them if possible. In the event that you have a serious wasp problem on your property, professional pest control services are your best bet. There are several things you can do on your own to prevent problems, though. First, if you plan to be outdoors, be sure you don’t wear heavily scented soap or shampoo. Perfume is usually not a good idea either. Shiny jewelry can also attract them. If possible, don’t wear bright colors either. If a paper wasp approaches, just stay calm and be still. If you do end up with a sting, an antihistamine can help kill the pain.